
Additional worker protections through COSHH amendments

Operator adjusting blast pressure on a blast pot beneath the abrasive separator unit, at Wykes Commerical Vehicles' blast room.

In addition, COSHH was amended in 2002 with additional RPE (respiratory protection equipment) regulations. This amendment states that all workers carrying out their duties in hazardous environments must wear appropriate respiratory equipment and that RPE must protect the wearer from various hazards, suit various work situations, and match the specific requirements of the worker.

The move away from silica sand as a blast media has opened a large and diverse market for different abrasives. The most common abrasives used today are; slag grits, olivine, garnet, glass bead, stainless steel, hi-chrome, aluminium oxide, and plastic media, to name a few. For more information on abrasive media, please view our abrasive media guide.