Shot Peening Machine
Techman Engineering
Chesterfield ,UK
To help a leading engineering firm prevent fatigue and stress corrosion on metal parts
Increasing efficiency and improving results are themes common to all businesses. In the oil and gas sector, these processes have been felt more acutely over the last few years due to a decrease in demand growth and a continued period of low oil price.
As external economic factors place pressure on the industry, any advances in tools and techniques that streamline operations and maintain production levels are taken very seriously. The reliability and longevity of exploration tools is just one consideration, but it’s an important and highly valued one – not just in terms of performance, but in relation to potential cost-savings relating to tool failure.
It’s perhaps no surprise then, that Techman Engineering – one of the largest oil tools manufacturer in the world – is continually focused on improving outcomes for their global oil and gas clients. Producing tools that perform efficiently and last longer than ever is crucial, as is producing them to stringent deadlines and to carefully scrutinised standards.
Simon Oxspring is Techman Engineering’s Managing Director, he says:
“We needed a peening machine that could automatically switch between three different media types with no drop in pressure or intensity – giving us a constant saturation rate. We knew that this would deliver superior efficiency in production and in the results we could achieve.
We wanted to find a partner with the right knowledge and expertise and soon found Airblast Eurospray to help us develop what we believe is the only machine of its type in the UK.”
A period of joint development began, that delivered not only an innovative machine, but also knowledge and understanding that continues to benefit both Techman Engineering and Airblast Eurospray today.
Airblast’s Managing Director, Jonathan Cook, explains:
“Although we’d produced shot peening (blasting) machines before, this was the first time we’d been asked to develop an automated, multi-media machine on this scale. We worked closely with Techman Engineering, analysing the market, investigating their needs and specifying the design. The process was always open and transparent and that helped us develop a trusting relationship that delivered the right outcomes. Both parties learned a lot; we now know much more about designing flexibilities and efficiencies into the peening process that helps us when looking at the needs of other industries.”
The positive relationship formed by the joint development is on-going and the two parties are in regular contact, making further refinements and enhancements. We believe Techman’s peening machine is now the only one of its kind in the UK capable of peening long product (up to 12m), rotating the product at variable speeds, transverse feeding at various speeds, pneumatic internal peening, external peening utilising a wheel blast principle and automated switching between three media sizes. This means Techman Engineers can build exact and bespoke peening ‘recipes’ that meet client specifications precisely and quickly.
In addition, the machine uses a wheel system to deliver the media rather than nozzles. The wheel spins at high RPM to achieve a wider peening pattern meaning product can move through at a much faster rate.
Through almen testing, the company can confidently deliver certification packs to their clients confirming that tools have been peened to their exacting specifications. The entire innovation means increased production speeds, better in-house control, reduced down-time and eliminated manual processing; all of which helps Techman Engineering manage increased production requirements efficiently.
The oil and gas exploration sector has relied on Techman Engineering excellence for more than 20 years – the company is unparalleled in its ability to produce precision machine products for the industry. But many other sectors including engine, bearings, shaft and gear manufacturers require high quality shot peening. Where increased fatigue life is needed or where products face high alternating stress, shot peening counters the effects of tensile stresses, greatly improving resistance to fatigue and reducing manufacture rejection rates.
Airblast Eurospray’s surface preparation and finishing expertise coupled with their design consulting skills, mean they can work with customers’ specific designs or concepts to develop and produce machines of any size.
To find out more about this project or to discuss your shot peening requirements, please contact us.